Congratulations WASHINGTON on approving R74!!
Gay, Lesbian, & same sex couples can finally choose to affirm their love with a Wedding Ceremony...
And now you are ready! It is important to publicly share your life-long commitment to a loving relationship with each other in the presence of your family and friends. Be it in the quiet of your home, a venue with a scenic view, or on the shores of the Sound, we can design a meaningful and memorable Wedding ceremony together.
I am especially pleased to officiate at the Weddings of gay and lesbian couples, because I believe that the boundaries of Love cannot be regulated. Serving all equally and without judgement is my work–no matter your lifestyle, faith, color, or ethnicity!

We’ll collaborate to create your distinctive and memorable ceremony!
We’ll spend time…
- choosing special readings,
- designing your vows,
- considering rituals that will set your ceremony apart,
- include distinctive ethnic and cultural traditions,
- creating a special role for family and friends to play in your ceremony
OR, if you’re not interested in a full fledged ceremony…
You may choose to have a short and sweet Elopement style wedding. Complete the online contact form for more information.
You’re invited to contact me by phone at 425.770.9243, complete the online contact form, or email me to schedule a free consultation.
You can have your ceremony, your way, and I can help!

The one and only Seattle area Officiant supporting the LGBT community through the Greater Seattle Business Association membership the past three years!